Monday, August 30, 2010

TotallyWild Dezinez

Bad Girl Bad Girl!!! whoops havent been blogging have I ? I have no excuse other than just being plain lazy. 

I have some wonderful little products to show by the awesome designer TotallyWild Dezinez over at Deviantscrap

Fabric Blend Paper Pack

excellent packs. Head over and check out TotallyWild dezinez
heres a page with most of the new things 

Link to my DST Gallery for full credits

look at that cute little cheeky smiley face.. he's just so gorgeous 

Ok.. peeps.. I shall be back tomorrow with some more new stuff.. hopefully unless something goes wrong again in one of the shops.. and I cant put my pages up..but heres hoping... 

I hope everyones doing well... catch yas tomorrow.. mwah

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tracey.. love your page.. think this is the first time i have seen your blog.. better go add you as friends and network you too.. if i can work out that part.. really blonde today.. LOL
