Friday, September 10, 2010

A Country Life kit and a goodbye.. :(

Happy Friday.. yayyyy.. !!! time to spend with family and friends time.. I dont know where the days are going be buggered if I do.. I cant keep up with them ..LOL..LOL... wont be long.. and the white bearded old man will be heading our way.. (oh god) 
Went to the chemist today and ended up buying some medicines for my flu (I dont do medicines  usually) its the worse tasting shit I have ever tasted actually almost the worse.. LOL..LOL.. but even though I have only had 2 goes at it .. its doing its thing.. my cough is starting to get less as the days gone on.. and starting to feel better in myself as well..

Any way.. I'm here to show the newest kit of Shayarka Designs  today this is my last day with her in her ct as my time is now up as guest.. thankyou once again for having me and I have enjoyed working with your designs and will continue to do so in the future.. :)

A Country Life 
by Shayarka Designs

so easy to design pages out of this kit.. I could have kept going and going.. 
here's the ones I have completed.. :)

Rak -Jaz Tarty00's oldest daughter

and the next 2 are of her youngest daughter Lily 

Link to my DST Gallery for full credits (not all images are loaded into my gallery)

Not sure whats in store for this weekend.. but I think Taite is on his way out for a sleep over tonight.. :)

ok everyone.. dont think I will be back until next week.. so while I'm away you all take care and stay safe.. mwah .. xx

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